  • Horsemanship
  • Interview
  • Judge
  • Modeling
  • Pageant
  • Public Speaking
  • Resume
  • Rodeo Queen
  • Talent

Here We Go!

(again on my own 🎵.... sorry, I couldn't resist)

Wowzer, Queen Connection has been a long time coming. So first and foremost… thank you. (This may be a snooze fest for quick second, but I mean every word and it needs to be said.) Thank you to my husband for letting me spend one zillion hours talking his ear off about this project and even more so at night typing away. Thank you to family and friends for supporting me. Thank you to my new friend, Timothy, for sticking with my crazy ideas. And thank YOU for being here. Being involved with pageants since I was young mixed with my annoying personality to constantly be on the go (I was voted “Most Involved in School Activities” from my Senior Class, surprised?) has brought me here today. You’ll learn more about me as we go along, but if you’re really curious, check this out.

Ok, now to the fun stuff…

Let me now take you through your next steps.

1.  If you haven’t already, sign up for a free profile here on Queen Connection. Anyone and everyone can have a profile. Having a profile allows you to access more on the site, including adding upcoming pageants and clinics on the Event page.

sign up as a coach or judge on Queen Connection pageant

2. Next, add your listing as a pageant coach or judge under the Join Us link.

3. Do you know someone that should be featured as a Preferred Vendor? Shoot them my way!

4. Sign up for our e-newsletters here.

5. Share QueenConnection.net everywhere. Our platform will only be good as its users, so spread the word and spread the love!


Let’s be friends. Let’s help each other out and let Queen Connection be the network to help make it all happen.


Much love,


Queen Connection Founder

Queen Connection Founder, Katie Stien sitting cowboy boots pageants

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